Thursday, September 16, 2010

DP Chat 9/13/2010

Yes, sorry, it's me again, doing my own take on the Dear Prudence Chat of 9-13-10, link provided so you can see where I went so very, very wrong!

Q. Oy, Praise the Lord:
My girlfriend is beautiful.  Other than that, she's irrelevant to my story.  I'm also quite the catch because I'm well-educated, Jewish, upper-middle-class and liberal.  Every single member of her family, possibly even her, because I don't say otherwise in my letter, is entirely uneducated, Catholic, and hates everyone who isn't entirely uneducated and Catholic.  I don't call them on the racist and anti-Semitic stuff that they say because... well, I just don't.  Because I'm awesome that way.
So what about when our families meet?  I can accurately predict my parents' behavior, that they won't call those guys on the racist stuff, either, because... well, they just won't.  I'm accurately predicting that other family members won't be as cool as we are and won't let them get away with the racist/anti-Semitic stuff.  I'm accurately predicting a cagematch between the families.
Signed, Sorry That This Is So Much Like a Question From Last Week's Chat

Yeah, what is the deal with that, anyway?  And why aren't you seeing all this for the comedy gold that it is?  Make this into a sitcom and you could blow away Modern Family's freshman season.  I don't recommend that mockumentary style, though.  It's OK to do the 3-camera technique again, TVland.  Really, it is!

Anyway, I recommend the title "Oy! Praise the Lord!" but I won't hold you to it.  And here's a draft of the theme song, written from your POV, since you're clearly the most intelligent and tolerant out of the whole bunch:

My girlfriend's a beauty!
Her fam-i-ly is poopy!
They howl and scream and throw things at Jeeeeeews!
My family doesn't know what to dooooooo

Oy!  Praise the Lord!
We gotta make it work
But what you gonna do
When you're surrounded by jerks?
My folks will let it slide
But Nana'll take 'em for a ride

What's a well-educated liberal upper-middle-class laid-back Jewish guy who's more agnostic than anything but whose family is  proud of their traditions to do?
Woo Woo Woooooo?

Remember that I said this is the first draft.  Call me!

Q. My Boyfriend's Mother:
I've been dating a wonderful guy for about a year. He's very close to his parents and visits and vacations and all that stuff with them.  Mutual manicures may be involved, but don't quote me on that.  We planned a vacation that his parents just happening to be having in parallel.  His dad has a mean disease that will put him into a wheelchair, and his mom always has her way.  I want to travel with him solo so we can have a lot of sex.
Signed, Not That There's Anything WRONG With That

This is so cool; two great sitcom ideas in a row!  But are meddling -- well, they're not really inlaws -- parents-of-your-boyfriend stories played out by now?  Like the mockumentary style I mentioned earlier?  Tell you what.  Come up with some X Meets Y scenarios for pitching it, like "How I Met Your Mother Meets Everybody Loves Raymond."  That kind of thing, and we'll talk.

Meanwhile, redo your vacation plans.  Your OWN, fool!  Not theirs.  Or do separate vacations.  Oh, wait, it's for the sex in your case.  Well, I wouldn't recommend a Disney cruise, then.  Everybody else's kids would hear you.  Unless that's what you were hoping for??  My God, woman!  You're sick!

Q. Unsure How To Respond to "I'm Fat" CommentsI work in luxury retail and am naturally very thin.  My clients aren't thin and keep telling me that they're not thin.  They also tell me that I'm thin, because I have no long-term memory and keep forgetting this.  Well, they must think it.  I think?  How do I get through the day without killing them all?
Signed, Wanna Look Thin?  Hang Out With Fat People!

Nah, this will not work as a sitcom, but thank you for submitting your idea.  That's all you got?  Rich neurotics making fat jokes?  The setting has promise, but that's not even the B-story so far.
First, hang out with people even thinner than you are, unless we're talking anorexic-level scrawniness by that point.  Because... Yikes.  My mom has this habit, too.  I've caught her going on and on to thin people about how thin they are.  "You are so thin!  I can't believe how thin you are!  You must work out a lot, right?  Do you hardly eat anything?" etc...
I took her aside and said, "Mom, tell me what this sounds like:  'You are so fat!  I can't believe how fat you are!  You must not work out at all, right?  Do you eat all day?' etc"
She got the point - THEN - but may have fallen into old habits later.
Anyway, that anecdote may not help.  What kind of "luxury retail" are we talking about?  Clothes?  Furniture?  Hand-made soaps and other toiletries?  Do you have the kind of soap with tiny, gelatin Mickey Mouse heads in them, or is that only at Basin of Downtown Disney?  And who decided that shampoo should be available in bar form, anyway, like soap?  They don't work!  Gawd, I'm fat.

Since your clients are rich, like Prudie said, just... um, compliment them to throw off their whining.  I know, I KNOW!  They're insecure rich people, though, and will tip you better, or whatever it is that will get you more money from them, by being all complimentary and gracious and stuff.  And eat some pie every now and then!

Q - Reston, VA.  Because that should tell you all you need to know
My parents coddle my brother because he has a disease or something and is on disability.  Like, CODDLE, know what I mean?  Me 'n' the Missus live paycheck-to-paycheck and have a bunch of kids and don't get squat from mom and dad.  In fact, they keep hassling me to help out with Disability Bro!  He goes out partying and stuff because they do everything for him (q.v., CODDLE).
Signed, I Told You, Reston, VA!!

Dear ITYRV!!
Uh... family meeting?  Do people have those anymore?  Do you talk to the brother or only your parents?  If the former, have you done the "All right!  Sounds like you're able to party hearty again!  I'm so happy for you, because now it means you're strong enough for a job again!  That's awesome, bro!" bit yet?  And then don't let him get a word in edgewise.  Keep pushing the super-upbeat and enthusiastic "you're partying, so you can take care of yourself!" deal.  He'll probably just hang up on you, but whatevs.  You had to get off the phone, anyway, to deal with your kids painting on the walls again.
That's all I got.  Family meeting, too.  Or an anti-Modern Family sitcom!  Where nobody is likeable and nothing is funny!

Q. Bad Parenting:
Every week at my daughter's dance class, I watch an abusive parent abuse her abused 2-year-old, but haven't said anything because modern parents turn into total violent psychos if anyone even hints that maybe their parenting style may be a tad off.  Thoughts?

Dear... oh, no abbreviations?  Okay.
See, this would NOT make a good sitcom, so don't try it.  Are you the only one seeing this abuse?  Aren't there other moms around or something?  Or is it just your two daughters?  Or are there more daughters and moms, but all of you just sit there like knobs because of the total violent psycho possibility?  I'll go with Prudie here and vote for telling the teachers or receptionist or headmistress or whatever, and Social Services is a bazooka (or my preference, anti-aircraft gun), but hey... bad scene, man.  I mean Ma'am.

Q - What, More Parenting Stuff?  {{sigh}}
My husband hasn't bonded with our 2-year-old, and this worries both of us.
Signed, Please Don't Call Social Services

I won't, chill, okay??  One of my brothers-in-law wasn't really Daddy till his girl turned... I dunno, 5 or 6?  Before then it was like pulling teeth to get him to spend time with His Own Child.  You know that thing where some dads act like babysitters more than a dad?  Well, that's what I've heard.  Meanwhile, learn to love princesses.  I never did, and I'm a chick, but maybe it's not too late for you!  Or see if she likes Iron Man or Batman Begins.  Get her started on comic books as soon as possible, man!  Time's a-wastin'!
Could work as a sitcoooooom....

Oh, and your next child should come out already 5-years-old.  It's just a suggestion!

Q- Green Card!
My colleague's friend's neighbor's cleaning lady's mechanic's husband married her to become a citizen, then bailed 10 days after that happened, which took 3 years of marriage to do.  He went home and plans to return.  My colleague's friend's neighbor's cleaning lady's mechanic's sister wants her to rat him out to the feds.  Should she?
Signed, We're Still Talking About a She, Right?

There are so many story ideas this week, my head is gonna exploooooooooode!  This one can either way:  screwball comedy or heartbreaking drama.  But I can't decide.  So I gotta go with my gut.  This is gonna sound totally nuts, though, but hear me out:  intense, political drama AND--! zombie apocalypse.  You can't say no!  It's high-concept gold!  Don't walk away from this!  Don't-!

Well, he's a citizen now, so... can he be de-citizenized?  Four out of five dentists agree, but your colleague's friend's neighbor's... well, the lady should probably talk to one of those law guys that study this kind of thing.  They're called, um... something to do with "law"... augh!  Well, it'll come to me.  Those Law Guys that study the Law and will help her with the Law, but they'll expect money for that!  That's an important safety tip.

Q - Online Dating
My mostest bestest friend and I use the same online dating site, and we were matched (rilly!), and his profile said that he's bisexual!  He never told me before.  So... what do I do?
Signed, Wait, Am I Also A Guy?  My Letter Doesn't Say

Yeah, are you or not?  Okay, I'll assume you're a chick, because you said something about thinking that he was straight, and you were matched by this site.  No, actually, that still doesn't help.  I'll just pretend that you're a chick.
Oh.  OH OH OH OH!  This one's a movie.  A total romcom, but so help me, God, if Jennifer Aniston ends up in it, I will leave the business.  I will!  You could not talk me out of it.  She's done her time and needs to let others have a chance.  Like Katee Sackhof.  Or even Grace Park.  We'll go the whole Battlestar Galactica reunion route and pick Jamie Bamber as your mostest bestest friend.  If you think he's good-looking in pictures, you should be standing next to him some time, like I have.  I'm asexual and still got hot over him!
As for your What To Do question, who cares?  Write up a film treatment and call me!

Q - No, just a bunch of chatter follow-ups to previous questions.  Pass

Q. His Ex-Wife Lied About Paternity!
And her age!
And dress size!
And the part about being descended from African kings and queens!
I'm married and stuff to this guy who has a li'l autistic boy with his ex.
Or.... DOES HE??  (dun dun DUUUUUUUN)
While I swear that I'm totally OK with this autism thing, I couldn't help but notice his dissimiliarity to Hubby, if you know what I mean.  The ex also tricked him into having sex with him, or something like that.  Potentially long story short, I talked him into taking a paternity test, and the kid is not his.  IS THAT THE BEST NEWS EVER??  I MEAN, EVER??
Uh... Well, what I meant to say is that he doesn't have the autism gene to pass on to our potential kids, but OMG.  YOU DON'T EVEN KNOOOW HOW RELIEVED I AM, BUT - WAIT, SHH!! SHH!! HE'S COMING!!  SHUT UP!!  Naturally he's devastated, but wants to keep being his "dad," but that's something I'll just deal with later uh I mean I feel awful about not feeling awful.
Signed, What Was The Question Again?

I think it was "What Was The Question Again?", but we'll move on.  Uh... I guess you could celebrate this news when he's not around, if you can't hold it in.  And then keep practicing being a wicked loving stepmom for the boy who'll keep being your stepson.
By the way, there are other things than autism that folks can carry in their genes.  Just sayin'.  Why, it just so happens that a recessive gene runs in my family, AND in the family of my sisters' husbands.  I say family, singular, because they married brothers.  I know!  Long story short, I and my late sister and one of my nieces have/had the same medical condition, which is not autism but is inconvenient in its own way.  So on that note, have a great marriage, Hon!

Q - More chatter responses to previous questions.  Man, use a moderator, already!

I went out with a bunch of people and didn't see that the tip was included and I added what amounted to a 40% tip total so should I call the restaurant and ask for 20% back?
Signed, Math Is Hard!

Dear MIH!,

How is it that even I, who dines out alone 99% of the time, know that restaurants add the tip for large groups?

Years ago I overtipped a pizza delivery guy and felt stupid, but I lived to order pizza another day.  I've got the myocardial-infarction-to-be-sized middle fat to prove it!

...And I'm done.  That last one doesn't even make a good joke for a bad standup comic.  And the chat started out so well, too.

Friday, September 10, 2010

DP Chat 9/7/2010

Evening friends, frenemies, and if less than that, why read this if you hate me??

Many of the folks at The Fly tackle's Dear Prudence advice columns that go online Thursdays.  I could be wrong, but I don't think any of them tackle DP's Tuesday advice chat sessions.  Okay, most likely because they're 4 pages long and sometimes include people who respond to an earlier question.  The "chat" aspect of it.  Since Thursday's DPs are well-covered, I'm going to try to cover the Tuesday chats, but I make no promises about being consistent about it.

Here's the original chat of 9/7/2010, if you don't care for my reworded versions of the questions:

Q- Nashville
I hang out with a TMI lush who also has the uncanny power to make people confess marriage-ending secrets, which she then tells everyone.  Mine is that I like the kinky stuff and my husband wears panties.  So now everyone in town knows.
Signed, What the Hell is Wrong With Me?

Dear WTHIWWM:  You got drunk and tried to one-up TMI Girl and probably ruined your marriage for it.  Hey, you asked Prudie for advice, not me.  I'm just summing it up.  I think Prudie said to confess to your husband, or something.  Sure, why not?  The results ought to be good pay-per-view.

Q- Help! I Feel Threatened by Anyone with Two X Chromomes!
My man's totally religious and is into church and I'm not and he talks to his church's pastor who has two X chromosomes like me and my man has the same chummy relationship with her as he did with the other guy who used to do the churchin' thing but he has only one X chromosome so then one night I screamed at my man and told him to stop attending church and now he's hinting at divorce.
Signed, What the Hell is Wrong With Me?  ("Hell," get it?  A churchy pun?)
PS - I'm a totally secure person.  No, really.

Dear WTHIWWM (HGIACP):  Uh.... yeah.  I had to tear up my mail-order marriage counseling certificate, so you should find somebody that didn't have to, and you know, talk to that person.  I guess one without two X chromosomes, or something?

Q - I Don't Like My Son's Girlfriend, but He Wants To Propose
I'm a bitter old hag who's tried to pass on my bitter hagginess onto my son, but dammit, he's been dating an optimistic chick, and her optimism and positive outlook on life has rubbed off on him!  Meaning, he's all optimistic and stuff.  I HATE that.  Now he got the chick a bigger engagement ring than his dad got me.  The value of my hand is very important to me!!  My boy is happier with her than I've ever seen him, and I hate that!  So - should I kill my husband for getting me a small engagement ring?  Kill the chick for being optimistic and stuff?  Or kill the boy for failing to be haggy like his parents?
Signed, What the Hell is Wrong With Me?

You're a bitter old hag, that's what.
Well, you ASKED.
By the way, this is my absolute favorite question of the chat!  You can rewrite the words, but you can't make up this stuff!  Unless... well, unless it's a fake letter, in which case it WAS made up.

Q - Leaving Friends Behind ... Or Not
I'm 22 and forging out on my own, blazing trails like the pioneers of old, and filling my wonderful boyfriend with optimism and stuff.  Oh - sorry, not the last part.  Anyway, Mom says my friends aren't good enough for me because they've been in court and/or keep having car accidents, and one of my degrees is called "justice studies," whatever that means, so... they make me look bad?  For some reason I've been using them as character references, too.  I have another degree in IT, but how those two degrees would be combined into one job, I don't know, either.
Oh, now I've figured out the question!  Are my friends no good for me no more like Mom says, so I gotta scrape 'em off like old gum and dead leaves?
Signed, What the Hell is Wrong With Me?

Stop using your friends as references.  I mean, even if they were all cool and stuff.  Use more authoritative types for references.  And like Prudie, I can't help but wonder about the one who keeps having car accidents.  Like, how many are we talking about here?  Are they dinky dent accidents or car-totalling newsmakers?  I guess not the latter if no police reports were filed.  Well, you know what I mean.
Uh... Hell, I dunno.  Don't post stuff on Facebook of you guys partying, or something.  Don't let that one friend drive you anywhere.  Stay in school!  Drink 8 glasses of water a day!  Don't do drugs!  You don't have to floss all your teeth:  just the ones you want to keep!
Oh, and don't dump the friends.

Q - Father in Prison
My boy's girl is 5, and my boy is in and out of prison a lot because of lifelong drug problems.  What should I tell her?

Dear FiP:
Uhh... oh, great, a noncrazy question.  Uh....dammit!  I want to point you to that great children's book, "Why Is Daddy In a Big Cage?" but nobody has written it yet.  Nor the followup, "Why Is Mommy In a Big Cage?"  Hey, chicks can be bad news, too!  Uh... I NEED AN ADULT!  I NEED AN ADULT!  So do you.  Find one of those kinds of adults who actually has experience in this sort of thing.  You know, counselor, social worker, that sort of adult?

Q - Dating While Living With Mom and Dad
I had a job and then lost it and my money, too, and have to live with my parents and this guy has asked me out but I'm ashamed about being jobless and the parents thing.
Signed, What the Hell is Wrong With the Economy?

Wait, what did you say when he asked you out?  "I'll think about it" or something?  Do people assume that anything other than Yes is a brush off?  I haven't been on a date in close to 25 years, so I dunno.  Oh, not because I'm jobless and live with my parents.  For your information, I have a job!  But still live with my mom.  It's a long story.  But enough about that!  Say yes if you're into this "dating" thing.  We're still in double-digit unemployment, right?  I mean, who ISN'T unemployed these days.

Q - Oh, some chick being all neurotic about being pregnant.  Pass

Q - PFA: "Political Family Awkwardness."  Isn't that clever?
I'm a liberal and my boyfriend's conservative, and his family spends every waking moment making fun of liberals.  Then they kill and eat them in a macabre familial ritual.  Or so my imagination tells me.  My BF and I can discuss politics without killing and eating each other, but I guess they... can't?
Signed, How Do People So Completely Idealogically Opposed Still End Up Together?

Yeah, what's up with that?  I just don't get it.  I mean, I wouldn't expect a mate to be in lockstep with me all the time, cuz that would be boring (or so I tell people), but being my opposite on the stuff that matters to me?  Brrrrrrr.  Oh, and no, the "PFA" thing isn't clever.  Your original question didn't even end with a question - just "Help!" so I'm ignoring all that, because I would never date somebody who's my political opposite and whose family kills and eats my kind.

Q - a bunch of chatters' responses to previous questions.  Pass

Q - Sloppiness
One of my coworkers has some kind of physical problem that makes him a slob and absent a lot, too.  "They" keep giving me his work, and I clean up his desk, too, because there's food and stuff.  Not that I'm bitter about it!
Signed, Yes, I Am

Dear YIA:
And I would be, too!  And I know this is mean, but I can't help but picture Peter Griffin's coworker, who's... uh... well, he has physical problems, but is still a much better employee than Peter.  If you're not getting any of these Family Guy references, then watch the show and be done with it!  Watch it regularly!  Buy the DVDs!  The Star Wars parodies, too.  None of that "Oh, that show offends me" crap, either!  Man up!  Or Woman up, if that's more accurate.
Wait, can't you say anything to your boss?  About the cleaning up, I mean.  Maybe the workload, too.  Or do you have one of THOSE bosses.  You know what I mean.

Q - The Boy Next Door
I'm now kissing the boy next door that I grew up with and stuff.  Is this wrong?
Signed, I SAID, Is This Wrong?

Uh... not that I know of.

Q - Guilt and Fatherhood
My daughter is super busy and I'm not.  Should I feel guilty about it?

Dear... Not Busy Dad - Isn't that what being retired means?  Not being busy?  Can I trade places with you?  You can keep the daughter - don't need one - but I'll take your retirement for you and not feel the slightest bit guilty.

Q - Shared Vacation Requests
I work for some freaky company that lets people share time off.  A boss is going on medical leave for cancer and wants us to donate our time to her.  I don't like her and don't wanna.  But people are petty here, so it's sure to splash back on me.
Signed, What the Hell is Wrong With This Company?

I know!  I mean, I've joked with coworkers who ended up so much time off, they had to be ordered to use it or lose it, that I'd be happy to take the extra time for myself, but there are companies that do that for real?
And managers can request it from employees?  Is that even right?  I guess a peer-to-peer mushpot would be OK, but I dunno about management dipping in, too.  But whadda I know.  I've never heard of this anywhere, anyway.  Ok, um... well, Jesus says that anyone can be nice to their friends and loved ones, but it takes a Really Good Guy to be nice to their enemies.  And the leave is for cancer!  Cancer, dammit!  Cancer is mean to people.  So man up and donate some of your time.  Or woman up, if that's more accurate.

Q - If I Only Had a Brain
My boyfriend wants to date other woman, and eventually marry the ones he likes.  Ones, plural.  I like open relationships, too, but he hates it when women even look at other men.
Signed, What the Hell is Wrong With Me?

You don't have a brain, that's what.

And we're done.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dens, Lairs, Caves - all synonyms, right?

I used to write a blog at LiveJournal, but I don't remember when my last post was.  Mostly I wrote about visits to sci-fi conventions, posts which my equally sci-fi-con-attending friends rarely replied to, so over time that blog became kind of a void that I would sometimes shout into uselessly.  Now even the echoes are silent.  Ooooo.  Dramatic!

Actually, that's kind of like my why-did-I-bother-creating-a-Twitter-account, which inexplicably had two followers at one time, and then inexplicably now has none.  Oh, right, I created a Twitter account because I read some article about Building a Personal Brand, so I figured "Yes!  I shall create a brand like it says to do and ultimately be the mistress of my own fate!  Write my own ticket!  Work anywhere I wish and do whatever I want to do!  MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

I mentioned the "having no followers" part, right?  Trying to keep my thoughts to 140 characters or less almost causes me physical pain.  I cannot write the gibberish that some celebrities do in languages and alphabets that they make up.  This doesn't mean to imply that I'm linguistically superior to them or am so damned interesting that I Must Be Heard, Unexpurgated!  It just means that I lack the ability to be brief.

Or getting to the point by the fourth paragraph!  Gawd, no wonder people didn't reply to my LJ posts; they couldn't make it past the first two sentences.  Not that this epiphany seems to have helped any.

Why Are You Here, herdThinner?
Bullet list, yay!
  • I follow some of the folks on The Fly, also on blogspot, and had to create an account here in order to reply to their posts.  Many times I wanted to start randomly posting about things unrelated to the original posts or to the comment threads they'd inspired, and thought it best to withhold comment till I'd set up my own blog.  Else it's rude, I guess.
  • I'm totally jealous of all those people who get themselves fired by writing unprofessional and/or humiliating things about themselves on Facebook, their blogs, et al, thinking that nobody with the power to fire them will find out.  Like, totally jealous!
  • To shamelessly plug my artEEST website, TC's Collectibles
  • To go on ad nauseum about how my dream job is Disney Imagineer.  They're the dudes who design everything you see, hear, smell, etc, at the various Disney parks.  Sorry, resorts.
  • Y'all know that the second bullet is facetious, right?
  • The bullet two steps above isn't, though, but could, ironically, actually BE an unprofessional and/or humiliating thing that I'd mere moments before been mocking.  Maybe not fireable, but more like  "We won't hire you because you wrote that you want to work for Disney and you'll, like, totally leave to work for them!"  {then blows raspberry} ??
  • (Or maybe they don't like my website plug, either??  OH, what a piece of work is man!!)
I'll clarify:  Years ago a hiring manager asked me during my interview what my Dream Job is/was.  I was wary at first and wondered aloud if she expected me to say, "Why, THIS job, of course!"  She assured me that she'd have trouble believing anyone who did.  The position I was interviewing for was a good and desirable one, but hardly in most people's Dream Job category.  So I blurted out, "Working at Weta Workshop in New Zealand for Peter Jackson."  I then had to explain that Weta Workshop made the costumes, props, weapons, models, makeup and pretty much any other physical things onscreen for the "Lord of the Rings" movies out at the time.  Weta Digital did all the computer-animated (CGI) stuff, including but not limited to the character Gollum.  I wouldn't have been thrilled about moving to New Zealand, but I always have and always will be a hands-on artEEST who may like the eye candy of CGI, but I wanted to help make movie magic with my bare hands.

It's really just about unabashed honesty.  The "employable skills" that I mention in my About Me sidebar is software testing.  I'm pretty good at it and will keep getting better at it if I do nothing else the rest of my life, and am grateful that I can find work in this area.  Just having a job - ANY job - is the "dream" of millions right now in this country.  I can't ignore that what I have now is a luxury - that is, the luxury to bitch and moan about how the job that I have and is paying the bills isn't really MEEEEEEE, WAHHHHHHH.  MEEEEEE is an artist, and right now, one who really would please love it if maybe thank you don't mention it she could work for Disney as an Imagineer.

A fellow at my old church, when it came to the music there, was practically ubiquitous.  Musically the guy's all over the place:  singing, playing piano, violin, viola, making CDs, perform, perform, perform!  I guess that he had to do something for a living related to music.  Nope.  His bill-payer is/was something like radiology technician, or MRI operator, or... you know, a hospital tech/lab guy.  Just about as unrelated to music as you can get.  Let's not pretend otherwise.  Do you think he'd find it nice to make a living in the world of music instead?  I would toss out a Yes.  Whether or not he's actively trying to affect just that, or is content with the amount of music in his life thanks to church, I have absolutely no idea.

Back to the "Branding" Stuff:  a lot of my Twitter posts just reiterated that I wanted to work for Disney.  My two lost Twitter "followers" were also Disney-related.  Maybe they dumped me for not posting often enough  {{shrug}}.  There's a saying in the business world that one should dress for the job that one wants.  Usually that means wearing power suits, when your position would be just fine with business casual, because you want a corner office.  I think that's how it goes.  My version of that saying means starting to wear clothes purchased from Ebay that are normally "Disney Cast Member only" items.  Disney hates when you try to sell things that they didn't make, but apparently not so for reselling things that they did.  Meaning Cast Members can sell stuff they got while there.  Like the clothes off their backs!  Or people who got stuff from their Cast Member buddies and are recycling to people like me on Ebay.  Who knows?  If wondering what's up with this "Cast Member" label, it's just Disney's thing.  Known as "employees" elsewhere.  Anyhow, I figure that if I can't be an Imagineer - yet - I may as well start dressing like one??

NO, I do not mean dressing like a ride operator for the Matterhorn or a maid for the Haunted Mansion.  I mean the street clothes available only internally.  Like the cool swag that movie cast and crewmembers get for their movies.  Shirts, hats, jackets - that kind of thing.  Not that a Tower of Terror bellhop outfit wouldn't be  great for Casual Friday the office Halloween party, though!

All that said:   Bosses!  It's called "Dream Job" for a reason.  You know you have one and it ain't the one you got - admit it!

(Note:  Blogger does not own a Tower of Terror bellhop outfit.  They cost way too much.)