You know that I love ya like a brother, but you don't show enough love for us single riders. Now, I'm not complaining about the Single Rider options at some rides, like Indiana Jones and Splash Mountain. If those options didn't exist, I would probably never ride those again, because their lines are ridiculously long most of the time, and I have no way to pass the time. Plus I usually already have a Fastpass in hand for some other ride, preventing me from getting any for those two.
But I don't get why, for every ride where I tell the load operator the number of people in my party (1), I get put into the back seat. Never mind the Single Rider special entrances (aka the exits). As soon as I say "1 !", they say "Row number (the very last one)!" Are they trained to do this? If so, knock it off! All the "Mountain" rides, Indy, Star Tours, POTC, and... well, those are the ones that I ride. We all know that the Haunted Mansion guarantees a private seat. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad's vehicles have something like 19 rows. I have to be the one in that row, every time?
Just ONCE we'd like to be seated in front. I like to take home ride photos, too, you know, but not if I'm a blip in the backseat every time. And when I try to request the front seat, the load operators get all thrown off in their counting and can barely respond to me. I won't say their response is in anger, but let's say they make it clear that I've messed up their math.
Do you know where single riders are shown the love? The Tower of Terror. That's right, at DCA. I can't remember the last time I wasn't in the front row, and I have multiple expensive 5x7's to prove it. And I hate having my picture taken. It confuses me, too.
You know what? It occurred to me that I could be alone. It would not surprise me to hear from other single riders who swear that they get seated in the front 99% of the time. Actually, it would surprise me, because nobody reads this blog.
Anyway.... You know I'll be visiting the Parks till I drop, so it's not like I'm boycotting till there's more Single Rider love or actual vegan options at D-land. (DCA seems to fare better for its... fare). They're just things I thought you should know as you run your multibillion-dollar megacorporation.
Peace, Out